Idioma para procesos de DS y NC: INGLES B1


Curso gratuito 100% financiado por el SEPE


180 h


– Ser capaz de expresarse con relativa facilidad tanto en situaciones cotidianas como en situaciones menos cotidianas y que requieren de una mayor complejidad en la estructuración de mensajes.
– Realizar actividades prácticas expresión e interacción oral.
– Expresar con fluidez una descripción sencilla de una variedad de temas que sean de su interés, presentándolos como una secuencia lineal de elementos.


Parte 1

Módulo 1
– Rock band.
– We´re going to play at the festival.
– “Dark Night”.
– How long does it take?
– Travel Blog- Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercices.
Módulo 2
– Camping in the countryside.
– Cut that wire.
– Camping rules.
– Free time- Masterclass.
– Life outside- Aditional vocabulary.
– Welcome to the Happry Hostel – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 3
– You´re not on the list.
– Why don´t you come in?
– I think they like us.
– What should you do if…? – Masterclass.
– The mysterious man – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 4
– Let me buy you a drink.
– Shouldn´t I?
– I fell ill.
– Your ideal job- Masterclass.
– Radio food programme – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 5
– I´m planning to go to Los Angeles.
– What has happened here?
– Your plans in life.
– Road signs – Masterclass.
– Let´s get a takeaway – Additional vocabulary.
– Shopping for gifts – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 6
– Falling in love.
– The bill is wrong.
– African – American writers.
– Advice column – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 7
– Saying goodbye to the band.
– I´ll keep in touch.
– I´ll call you.
– What will happen? – Masterclass.
– Virtual world – Additional vocabulary.
– Commuting and public transport – Reading.
– Commuting and public transport – Dictation.
– Technology and friendship – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 8
– Getting married.
– Who shall we invite?
– Go ahead.
– Superstitions – Masterclass.
– The official witness – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 9
– What a marvellous surprise!
– What if…?
– You hardly know him.
– The woman who… – Masterclass.
– Agatha Christie – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 10
– I can offer you a job.
– I owe you one.
– I made biscuits.
– Making calls – Masterclass.
– Job training – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 11
– A new barman.
– Take it easy.
– You´ll play on this stage, will you?
– Friendship – Masterclass.
– Being an artista – Additional vocabulary.
– Tropical wedding – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 12
– Dreaming of becoming famous.
– Weddings.
– I can´t get home.
– At the hotel – Typical situation.
– At the clinic – Typical situation.
– The taste of love- Dialogue.
– Sports, customs and etiquette – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.

Parte 2

Módulo 1
– Doing market research.
– At the sports centre.
– The bus route.
– Work and leisure – Masterclass.
– The music gym – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 2
– Remembering old times.
– Future parents in – law.
– Country house for sale.
– Sports – Masterclass.
– Time to exercise – Additional vocabulary.
– The fitness instructor – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 3
– Making plans for holidays.
– A ticket to Edinburgh.
– The list of things to do.
– The cruise – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 4
– A fortnight in Austria.
– It´s a beatiful day.
– Plans for the new year.
– This time yesterday – Masterclass.
– Planning the competition – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 5
– Housework.
– Before travelling.
– May I go out now?
– Modern life and society – Masterclass.
– Email to an au pair – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 6
– What´s on?
– Village of the future.
– Shall we spend the day in the countryside?
– Housing – Additional vocabulary.
– Health and Sports – Dictation.
– Interview with an inventor – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 7
– Plans for a year out.
– A long way to equality.
– A radio panel game.
– We have to send the invitations.
– Coming to conclusions – Masterclass.
– Weather conditions – Additional vocabulary.
– The eco-friendly future – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 8
– Looking for a temporary job.
– Spoil yourself!
– If were you…
– Houses – Masterclass.
– Opening a hotel chain – Reading comprehension.
– Job Interview – Listening comprehension.
– Test exercises.
Módulo 9
– Working with animals.
– A solitary child.
– I have not seen him for ages.
– Conditions – Masterclass.
– Building a bear sanctuary – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 10
– It´s a bargain! Making a complaint.
– A very good read.
– An amazing concert.
– Technology – Masterclass.
– The after-sales package – Listening comprensión.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 11
– Hey, that´s swell!
– He was no stranger to me.
– Have you heard about her son?
– Why don´t you show me around?
– Using your judgement – Masterclass.
– The press – Additional vocabulary.
– When I became a journalist… – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.

Módulo 12
– You are only young once, mum!
– Welcome to university.
– I´m afraid I have to complain.
– Good to be alive – Typical situation.
– We´ve made it to the van – Typical situation.
– People, Passports, planet – Dialogue.
– Barbados – Reading.
– Barbados – Dictation.
– Test Exercises.


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