INGLÉS B1 para el diálogo social y negociación colectiva


Curso gratuito 100% financiado por el SEPE


180 h


– Ser capaz de expresarse con relativa facilidad tanto en situaciones cotidianas como en situaciones menos cotidianas y que requieren de una mayor complejidad en la estructuración de mensajes.
– Realizar actividades prácticas expresión e interacción oral.
– Expresar con fluidez una descripción sencilla de una variedad de temas que sean de su interés, presentándolos como una secuencia lineal de elementos.



Unidad 1
– Having an accident
– A robbery
– Can I help you?

Unidad 2
-At the police station
-What does he look like?
-Do you know him?

Unidad 3
-Tomorrow is my birthday
-Introducing my family
-What’s the matter?

Unidad 4
-The fifth annual race
-How do I get there?
-Turn left!

Unidad 5
-Looking after her dog
-Don’t eat that!
-That’s enough
-A good ‘cuppa’ – Reading comprehension

Unidad 6
-What’s her flight number?
-There’s plenty of work!
-At the airport – Additional vocabulary

Unidad 7
-Animals – Specific vocabulary
-Nature – Specific vocabulary
-A scenic holiday – Reading comprehension
-Checking in and out of a hotel – Typical situation
-Being social – Dialogue
-Las Vegas – Reading comprehension

Unidad 1.
What a mess! There was a party
There was an armchair
Were you at work this morning?
A flat to rent

Unidad 2.
Clothes shopping
The catalogue
Last night
Unidad 3.
How was your day?
Better or worse
What did you do last Saturday?

Unidad 4.
Going back to England
What is he doing?
What’s the matter?

Unidad 5.
The fortune teller
He is going to work at home
What are you doing nowadays?
At work – Additional vocabulary

Unidad 6.
Returning to work
This outfit matches
High days and holidays – Reading comprehension
Holidays on-board – Additional vocabulary

Unidad 7.
In a restaurant – Typical situation
Chores and emotions – Dialogue
Fast food – Reading
Fast food – Dictation

Unidad 1.
Rock band
We’re going to perform at Glastonbury
“Dark Night”

Unidad 2.
Camping in the countryside
Cut that wire
Camping rules
Life outside – Additional vocabulary

Unidad 3.
You are not invited to the party
Why don’t you come in?
I liked your new song

Unidad 4.
Let me treat you to a drink
Shouldn’t I?
I feel ill
Radio food programme – Listening comprehension

Unidad 5.
I fancy going to the United States
Your plans in life
Let’s get a takeaway – Additional vocabulary

Unidad 6.
Falling in love
The bill is wrong
African-American writers
Advice column – Reading comprehension

Unidad 7.
Food shopping – Typical situation
Going out – Dialogue
Potato salad – Reading comprehension

Unidad 1.
Saying goodbye to the band
We’ll keep in touch
I’ll call you
Virtual world – Additional vocabulary

Unidad 2.
Getting married
Who shall we invite?
Go ahead

Unidad 3.
What a marvellous surprise!
What if…?
Let’s be reasonable
Agatha Christie – Reading comprehension

Unidad 4.
I can offer you a job
I owe you one
I made biscuits

Unidad 5.
A new barman
Take it easy
You will play again, won’t you?
Being an artist – Additional vocabulary

Unidad 6.
Dreaming of becoming famous
I can’t get home
Sports, customs and etiquette – Reading comprehension

Unidad 7.
Returning your shoes – Typical situation
Relationships – Dialogue
The pros and cons of regularly watching television – Reading
The pros and cons of regularly watching television – Dictation


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